Felpham, West Sussex - area map
The nearest town to Felpham is Bognor Regis, which has now largely swamped the village.
Find out more more about Felpham in our Felpham guide
Find accommodation near Felpham
- Hotels for Felpham - suggested accommodation
- B and B in Felpham. Our suggestions.
- Accommodation on the Sussex Coast
- Self Catering Holiday Accommodation West Sussex
- West Sussex caravanning holidays
- Camping at West Wittering Beach and other campsites in Sussex
Other hotels and B &B near Felpham
Horsham guide
Sports guide
Arundel guide
The South Downs Way
Chichester city guide
Festivals and events
- Amberley
- Amberley Wild Brooks
- Angmering
- Barnham
- Botolphs
- Burpham
- Cissbury Ring
- Clapham
- Climping
- Ferring
- Findon
- Fontwell
- Houghton
- Lyminster
- Pagham
- Pagham Harbour
- Poling
- Rustington
- South Stoke
- Yapton
- Arundel
- Bognor Regis
- Burgess Hill
- Chichester
- Crawley
- East Grinstead
- Haywards Heath
- Horsham
- Littlehampton
- Midhurst
- Petworth
- Shoreham-by-Sea
- Steyning
- Worthing