Advertise on West
Why not promote your business to these visitors by advertising on West
Great value
Add your listing to for just £7.99 per month - that's 26 pence a day!- Setting up your advert is very quick and easy
- You can pay by credit card, debit card or PayPal
- And it's easy to change your mind
Full Listing and link
For just £7.99 a month you will have a listing with
- Your business name
- Description of your services or products (up to 100 words)
- A link to your website
- Address
- Telephone
Most of our pages have great Page Rank and so we feature at the top of the search engine rankings for thousands of search terms.
Great value targeted local advertising
Our advertising is great value.If you compare our prices to some of the other Sussex websites which attract high levels of visitors you will find that we provide your business with superb value for money.
We've had well over four million visitors since we started up - that's a lot of people interested in spending money in West Sussex on hotels, days out, entertainment and shopping.
So don't miss out.
Submission guidelines
We have a few rules to make sure that only genuine West Sussex businesses get into West
- You must have an address in West Sussex.
- Your website must not be under construction or parked.
- You can only submit top level domains - deeplinks are not allowed.
- Mirror sites are not allowed.
- Multiple submissions of the same site are not allowed, although if you would like your business to be on more than one page of then please call us - we can probably help.
- Sites which have mostly affiliate links are not allowed.
- Sites which promote gambling, pornography, violence, intolerance, extremism and that sort of thing are not allowed.
- We reserve the right to edit your submission to make it fit in with the style of West if we think it necessary.
If you have not provided a genuine address in West Sussex, then we will charge you an administration fee of £7.99 and therefore not refund you your first month's fee.
Terms and conditions
Payment is collected by means of a monthly subscription on your PayPal account, debit card or credit card. This is handled securely by PayPal, so you don't have to give us your details directly.From time to time we may decide to increase the price of the monthly subscription, but we will let you know about this before we do so.
If you would like to change the information shown about your site, then we normally do this free of charge. If we feel that you are making an excessive number of changes, then we will charge you a small administration fee, but we will tell you this before you incur the fee.
Community groups
Sports clubs
Good causes
If you would like to suggest such an organisation for inclusion in West then please
- Arundel
- Bognor Regis
- Burgess Hill
- Chichester
- Crawley
- East Grinstead
- Haywards Heath
- Horsham
- Littlehampton
- Midhurst
- Petworth
- Shoreham-by-Sea
- Steyning
- Worthing